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Physiotherapy is a widely practiced method of treatment designed to address a wide range of problems. There is a wide range of techniques available to choose from and each is designed to address specific problems. In order to understand what makes physiotherapy effective, it is important to understand the components that are involved with each treatment technique. Learn about the common treatment techniques employed in physiotherapy to ensure that specific problems (whether injuries or joint problems) are treated before they get worse.

Manual/Hands-on Therapy

Under this major branch, there are several physiotherapy treatment techniques to choose from. The specific technique employed will vary according to the problem being treated. Joint mobilization or gentle gliding techniques are recommended for those suffering from joint pain or stiffness. These conditions can either appear simultaneously or separately. With joint mobilization techniques, you can experience a safe and pain-free way to restore the range of movement in the affected joints.

Another common hands-on technique used in physiotherapy is muscle stretching. This form of treatment might be simple but it is highly effective. This is best recommended for athletes or individuals who engage in intense physical activities. When your muscles tighten, stretching becomes highly important to loosen the muscles up and problem flexibility.

A technique known as PIM or physiotherapy instrument mobilization is an innovative concept but is quickly gaining attention. This involves the use of a mechanical spring loaded instrument that eases pain and relieves joint stiffness. The device should be handled by physiotherapists that are highly trained, though. Other manual and hands-on techniques are massage and neurodynamics.


Not many people are aware but acupuncture falls under the physiotherapy method of treatment. Physiotherapists are also trained with acupuncture or use of dry needles. This is an ancient healing practice in China that is widely used today. Acupuncture is based on the concept of manipulating the chi or energy flow within the body to ease muscle tension and provide pain relief.

Strapping and Taping

This physiotherapy treatment involves the use of so-called athletic or sports tape (or any type of rigid tape). It is designed to stabilize the joint or muscles affected with pain. In addition, it is supposed to provide relief from pain or facilitate normal posture and movement. With that said, this is a common treatment method used for sports professionals.

Physiotherapy Exercises

Exercise therapy is a reliable method used for physiotherapy treatment. The aim with these exercises is to strengthen the muscles and improve range of motion and function. Scientific studies have proven that physiotherapy exercises are one of the best ways to prevent and treat injuries, specifically pain associated with injury.

You need to work with a trained physiotherapist to design an exercise plan that best meets your needs according to your pain issue. In addition, they will designate an exercise dose that is in line with your rehabilitation status. For instance, they will determine how intense and how frequent your exercises will be according to your level or recovery.

There are far more physiotherapy treatment techniques available nowadays; make sure you work with a trained and expert physiotherapist to diagnose the problem. You want to make sure that the appropriate treatment is used before it worsens the condition.

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