When it comes to entry level physical therapy careers, with reference to the American Physical Therapy Association, the following are highlighted as the minimum, basic skills required from an entry level physiotherapist:
– Evaluate and review all physical systems as required to determine the need for physiotherapist services.
– Assess the scope of physical therapy keeping the limitations of the patient in mind.
– Perform various tests to quantify and characterize sensor integrity (vibration, pressure, cold/hot, dull/sharp, etc) range of motion, reflexes and neuromotor skills.
– Decision making and clinical reasoning to determine a particular diagnosis (the patient’s problem) as well as prognosis (expecting improvement in patient in terms of how much and when).
– Using the skills of goal-setting to prepare a plan of care in action.
– Use of wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetics, orthotics and other supportive devices.
– Safety, CPR, first-aid, in case of emergency.
– Tissue massage, manual therapy, manipulation and traction.
– Communication skills to deal with family/patient education, and other professionals for consultations.
– Professional values and skills such as responsibility, compassion, integrity and accountability.
– Practice management skills including coding and billing for appropriate reimbursement, medical records documentation, staff supervision for instance, physical therapy assistance for quality improvement.
It is time to reveal the academic requirements you need to ponder over to take up physiotherapy as a career.